Thread Class: 3A Left-hand thread, helicoil, or other non-standard gages quoted upon request
Thread Class: 6G ISO metric fine pitch thread, left-hand thread, helicoil, or other non-standard gages quoted upon request.
Flexible Hole Location Gage plugs also referred to as Centerline Hole Location Plugs are used to determine the true centerline to centerline distances of threaded holes. The Flexible Hole Location Gage is slotted at 90° increments to insure positive location on the thread flanks regardless of hole size. This feature provides a firm locating grip without pulling the shoulder of the plug up against the hole face thus avoiding any squareness error being transferred to the centerline measurement.
This style of Threaded Hole Locator Gage should be made from a type of spring tool steel. The threaded end is made to the maximum material thread pitch diameter. The threaded end is then slit, usually twice, and the thread is expanded slightly so that when screwed into the internal threaded hole the Flexible Threaded Hole Locator Gage is a snug fit in the hole and conforming to the internal thread pitch diameter cylinder.